Assalamu Alikum W.W. It is a great privilege and honour to be one of the founder members of RPSL that embarked with the mission of integrating all the Muslim institutions and individuals under the common goal of Muslims in Sri Lanka towards the sustainable future of the nation. Basically, RPSL intends to bring the community under one governance with basic guiding principles and clear-cut policies beyond the differences in ideology and practices. RPSL collaborates and capitalizes all intra and inter community intellectual resources for a better nation building. RPSL thinks globally and acts locally on environment, socio-culture and economy of Sri Lanka by strategizing the education and skill building through the integration of Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for enabling creative and innovative solutions for existing and emerging challenges.
RPSL and it’s members march with strategies rather than with structures in mitigating the challenges and issues proactively. This mission never allows RPSL to be another organization to carry on operational level activities or grass-root level performances to compete with other organizations. This fact should be well-understood by the beloved members of RPSL. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the founder members and present active members of RPSL..